Newsdesk 2017
RANELAGH HARRIERS E-NEWS # 494 8th February 2017
Editor: Steve Rowland
mailto: sandsrowland@btinternet.com
* Club honours award for Nic Jackson
* Ranelagh women finish 12th and the men 19th in the South of England
* Richard Gergory and Nic Jackson lead our teams
* Ben Anderson leads our team to victory in the inter-club at the Bank of
England and Hec Petersen Trophy
* Rick Jenner and Kirsty Steel both in the frame at the Nice Work Bushy
Park races
* Nic Jackson wins Box Hill fell race
* Reef Boericke wins 10k at Newlands Corner
* Colin Brett completes 66 miler
* Vital final Surrey League races for men and women this Saturday February
* All needed for our last mob match of the season away to Blackheath on
Sunday February 19th
* Junior news
* Trophy holders please return them to Heather asap
We urgently need to find someone to help Tamsin Burland with the job of
Volunteers Co-ordinator for our Ranelagh Richmond Half Marathon on Sunday
30th April. There must be somebody out there! If you can help, contact
Tamsin ranelaghhalfhelpers@hotmail.co.uk .
The final men's and women's Surrey League races will be this Saturday 11th
February at Old Coulsdon, Happy Valley (women) and Wimbledon Common (men).
Start times will be back to normal at 12 noon for the women (followed by
U15s and U17s at 1pm and U13s at 1.30pm) and 3pm for the men (preceded at
2.30pm by all juniors). Note that the women will have a different start and
finish point from the usual. It's about 2.5 miles from the South London
Harriers clubhouse, so there's no need to go there except for changing and
toilets. Details and maps:.
There is plenty to run for - after three races our women are in 7th place
but close behind two other clubs, while our men are in a tight tussle with
SLH and Hercules Wimbledon for 2nd, 3rd and 4th places. If we can snatch
second place it would be our best ever men's League finishing position.
Details and maps for the men's race:.
Our last mob match this season is away to Blackheath and Bromley HAC on
their 7.5 miles true country course at Hayes, Kent. At their request it's a
SUNDAY MORNING race starting at 11am on February 19th. It's multi-terrain
with a few sections of road near the end, so trail shoes are preferable to
spikes. If we can defeat the 'heathens, this will be our fifteenth mob match
win in a row. As ever, we need all the runners we can get. When we last
visited Hayes two years ago both clubs fielded about 60 runners. We need
that many again, and more if we manage it. Unfortunately train services to
Hayes will be replaced by buses on that Sunday, so travelling by rail will
not be a viable option. We are setting up a car pooling scheme, look for it
on Facebook. Here's a map showing the location of the B&B HQ at the Sydney
Wooderson Centre in Bourne Way, Hayes (Kent) here:. There's plenty of parking in
nearby roads. Note it's a ten minutes jog from the HQ to the start, which is
off Addington Road, here:.
If you are arriving late there is limited parking at the start, but you'll need
to jog back there after the race (or get someone to take you) because the
finish is back near the clubhouse.
Our Trophies Steward Heather Martingell would like to collect up all the
club trophies well in advance of our Prize Presentation evening on April
1st. This is to allow time not only to get them all engraved with the names
of their new owners, but this year we also want to have them re-valued. If
you are a trophy holder please contact Heather hmartingell@gmail.com
regarding returning it. Items can be left in the safe
at the clubhouse but please let Heather know if you do this.
ELLIS CUP and DYSART CUP inter-club races Saturday March 4th in Richmond
The Ellis Cup is a men's team race and the Dysart Cup is a women's. Both run
together over our men's two-lap league course of 5.5 miles in the Park.
Start time is 3pm and all are welcome, register on the day. It's also our
club junior championships over one lap of 2.75 miles.
Our annual schools race is one lap of our mob match course. Our chief
official Andy Bickerstaff will be away on holiday but we have a replacement
to flag the course in the person of Louise Piears. However, we do need
plenty of marshals to ensure that the schoolboys and girls stay on course.
Please contact Andy andy.bickerstaff@goodrunguide.co.uk as soon as
possible if you can help.
FINCHLEY 20 miles ROAD RACE Sunday March 12th at Ruislip
This race incorporates the club 20 miles championship for the Spendlove Cup.
9am start in Ruislip despite the race's misleading name! Details:.
THAMES TOWPATH 10 miles Sunday 9th April at Chiswick. 8.30am start.
This ever-popular race will be the opening fixture in our 2017 Road Grand
Prix. Over 400 entries have already been received, including 18 from
Ranelagh. Details:.
Trevor Maguire writes:
"Junior Records Update: To ensure our information about our juniors is up to
date, and to help with pre-race registration for some junior races, our
Junior Team Manager (Trevor Maguire on trevor.maguire@bt.com) is about to
ask for some information by email/leaflet. Please look out for this email
in the next week or so and reply directly to Trevor. Many thanks in advance
for your help."
Our own junior championships will take place on Saturday 4th March in
Richmond Park. The Lotinga Cup will go to the overall winner and the Camilla
Cup will go to the first female. They will be incorporated with the
inter-club races for the Ellis and Dysart Cups and start time is 3pm.
Juniors (under 20s) will probably start with the senior race, but will run
only one lap of 2.75 miles. The seniors will go on for a second lap. All
welcome, register on the day. It is hoped to include a sealed handicap in
the junior race.
See below for details of the trials for borough teams for the London Mini
Marathon on Sunday 23rd April.
Lizzy Roberts, Sports Development Officer for Richmond Council writes:
"Each year the Virgin Money Giving Mini London Marathon takes place on the
same day as the London Marathon. The event offers young people, aged 11 to
17 years, the opportunity to run the last three miles of the London Marathon
course representing their London Borough or local region. The 2017 event is
on Sunday 23 April and you can apply to be part of our team. Please find
below the details of the 2017 Mini Marathon trial for London Borough of
Richmond. You need to live or go to school in the London Borough of Richmond
to be eligible to trial and compete to represent the borough.
1. Register to complete a parkrun at www.parkrun.org.uk/register
www.parkrun.org.uk/register.aspx no later than the Friday before
you want to run at 6pm (no need to do this if you are already registered).
2. Complete a 5K parkrun event in the borough between 31 December 2016
and 25 February 2017. (We advise parents/carers to remain onsite during the
race and please do not forget to bring your barcode with you)
3. Complete the Richmond Mini Marathon online form at
www.richmond.gov.uk/minimarathon by Sunday 26 February 2017, late entries
will not be accepted.
4. The Sports Development Team will select the six fastest male and six
female athletes in each category to represent Richmond on Sunday 23 April
2016. We will contact qualifying athletes by e-mail during the week of 27
February 2017.
Please note: There are four parkruns in the borough, Bushy Park, Crane Park,
Old Deer Park and Richmond Park. Events take place every Saturday at 9am.
You may complete any of these runs. To view details on all parkrun runs
please visit the parkrun website. When taking
part in a parkrun event you must adhere to their terms and conditions.
Race categories for the Virgin Money Giving Mini London Marathon are:
* Under 13 - Boys and Girls (Must be aged 11 on 23 April 2017)
Born between 1 September 2003 - 23 April 2006
* Under 15 - Boys and Girls
Born between 1 September 2001 - 31 August 2003
* Under 17 - Boys and Girls
Born between 1 September 1999 - 31 August 2001
If you have any questions then please contact me on
lizzy.roberts@richmond.gov.uk or 020 8831 6134."
The criteria for Kingston are fundamentally the same as for Richmond, except
that you have until 27th March to register your parkrun time at
ondon_marathon. You must live or go to school in Kingston borough and you
can set a time in the parkruns at Kingston, Richmond Park, Wimbledon Common,
Bushy Park or Old Deer Park. For other boroughs, see
GREEN BELT RELAY 2017 20th/21st May
We now have three full teams of eleven runners, but there are always one or
two drop-outs before the race weekend, so if you'd like to be added to the
list of reserves please contact Leeanne Bryce mailto:liane22@gmail.com or
Ashleigh Ferris (ashleighferris@hotmail.com). Details of the race can be
found on www.greenbeltrelay.org.uk/ .
The club is continuing to subsidise track sessions on Thursday evenings at
the Osterley track. All groups and all abilities are welcome. The sessions
are every Thursday 7.30-8.30pm. Link to the map is here:.
Follow Ranelagh on Facebook.
More details of the following from the men's Captains ( e-mail Phil
or Trevor ) ranelagh.men@gmail.com
or the women's Captain / Team Manager ( e-mail Becky or Phil ranelagh.women@gmail.com )
Saturday 11th February 2XU Surrey League (men) on Wimbledon Common
2.30pm (juniors), 3pm (seniors)
Surrey Ladies League at Coulsdon
12 noon (women), 1pm/1.30pm (juniors)
Sunday 19th February Pelling-Ratcliff Cup mob match v Blackheath &
Bromley HAC at Hayes (Kent), 11am start. All needed, register on the day
Saturday 25th February National Cross-Country Championships at
Saturday 4th March Dysart Cup and Ellis Cup 5.5 miles men's and
women's inter-club races in Richmond Park, including club junior champs over
2.75 miles. 3pm start, register on the day
Saturday 11th March Ranelagh Cup Schools race 4 miles in Richmond
Park. 3pm start
Sunday 12th March Finchley 20 miles road race at Ruislip, incl
Spendlove Cup club 20 miles championship
Saturday 18th March Clutton Cup 10 miles handicap in Richmond
Park. 2pm start. Register on the day.
5km parkruns every Saturday at 9am and 2km junior parkruns weekly or monthly
on Sundays.
Venues, more details and registration at www.parkrun.com or
21st January in Richmond Park (Roehampton Gate)
Dave Lawley reports:
"To say this is a low key event is an understatement but don't let that ever
put you off running this cracking run. It's low key in the sense no one
really knows what is going on, where it starts, where to run and who is
going to turn up. The older gentleman giving course, turn-by-turn
instructions at the start was a particularly amusing highlight. That said
from all corners of a beautifully, wintry, sun-drenched Richmond Park 23
Ranelaghs found the start. It's a cracking run because it winds round the
park on a different, yet challenging, course to what we're used to. So long
as you follow the numerous yellow flags you can't go wrong.
Now about those yellow flags... yet again it is saddening to report that
someone / something decided to uproot some flags in a critical part of the
course near Pen Ponds. Yours truly here discovered this, whilst in second
place with Al Whatmough breathing down my neck, as for the first time during
the race I could see the outstanding Ben Anderson (who led by miles
throughout) running in circles, arms flailing and looking confused. He'd
gone left and followed the flags but this should have been straight on. Not
that we were to know this. Shortly the leading pack had grouped and were all
running round like headless chickens until we spotted three Milocarians
sneak through on what looked like the right course. A mad dash through some
woods then put us back on course and shortly after was a marshal adorned in
flags showing the correct route. We (politely as possible!) told him about
the sabotage but by the sounds of it he didn't think to move from his flag
station as annoyingly several other groups of runners went wrong too.
So back to the race and the impact this had. The outstanding Ben Anderson
amazingly managed to pick off the three sneaky Milocarians for a superb win,
quite how he did this I don't know as he had it all to do with 1.5miles to
go. Yours truly (angry at this point) managed to pick one off for a fourth
place finish shortly followed by Al Whatmough in 6th. So instead of a
Ranelagh 1,2,3 we managed 1,4,6. That's XC racing I guess and as the wise
Yoda suggests: lessons learnt 'course you must know, angry more often, get'.
It was inconsequential in the end as the 23 put in a great performance to
snatch the win with Milocarians in 2nd and Hercules Wimbledon taking 3rd. We
also won the Hec Petersen Trophy between ourselves and Ealing. The 8 to
score consisted of: Ben Anderson, me, Al Whatmough, Mark Herbert getting
back fit after injury (but had his works night out the night before so ran a
little sideways), John Shaw who flew in at the finish, Bruce McLaren (who
also went on the detour), junior Jonny Brook, and Richard Gurd. The
remaining ran strongly occupying many of the subsequent positions and the
Hillhouse family having a family run out with Lloyd Camp."
Organiser Gwyn Jones of the Bank adds: "Apologies to some of your runners
who got sent the wrong way near the ponds, apparently some clowns had
rearranged some flags just before the first runners reached them."
Parliament Hill
Parliament Hill is an iconic venue for major cross-country championships,
offering fantastic views over London and a testing spectator-friendly
course. For "testing" read "hilly and muddy", although the course is rarely
exactly the same two years in a row as different sections of the Heath are
taped off for conservation purposes. The senior men's race is traditionally
over a three-lap 9 miles, while the women are asked to cover 5 miles.
Traditional too are the junior races which take place prior to the senior
events and usually serve to churn up the course into suitably "soft" going
for the seniors. Well, the juniors did their best on a mild and sunny
afternoon but surprisingly it never got really muddy this year. Mind you,
there were sticky patches here and there and at least one or two runners
went down headfirst into the infamous ditch. There were record fields
totalling about 1,600 runners in the senior men's and women's races. The
men's race invoked a cut-off time of 90 minutes and there were plenty of
runners who didn't make the cut. An estimated 500 men were lapped by the
leaders, making life difficult on the narrower sections of the course.
Juniors first, then. Izzy Atkins put in a great run to finish 18th in the
U15 Girls race, while brother Greg was a strong 52nd in the U17 Men. Euan
and Finlay Sinclair both ran well in the U13 Boys to finish 99th and 272nd.
On to the Senior Women, and the headlines came from Nic Jackson in her first
Southern. From the start Nic fearlessly tucked in just behind the leading
group. Gaps inevitably lengthened but Nic maintained her position. She
probably didn't know it, but in the later stages she was hanging on to a
place just inside the top 25 - the club honours qualification. A pack of
five runners was hot on her heels down the finishing straight but Nic held
them off to finish an outstanding 23rd, and hers will be the next name to be
added to the honours board. Congratulations Nic! Behind her, Laura Blazey
and Suzy Whatmough resumed their rivalry, Laura getting away a little in the
closing stages to finish 71st, with Suzy also well inside the top 100. The
scoring team of four was completed by Julia Bailey in 144th place not far
ahead of Becky Northmore. The final team position was a highly respectable
12th out of 63. It was good to see 14 Ranelagh runners taking part.
That Ranelagh representation was exactly duplicated in the senior men's
race. Richard Gregory set out with top 50 intent but slipped back a few
places as the first lap progressed. He wasn't going to slip any further,
however, and remained about 60th for the rest of the race. But if he thought
he was safe as Ranelagh's leading man he was mistaken. After a steady start
Carl Assmundson was steadily picking his way through the field and by half
way round the last lap he was on Richard's shoulder and then just a few
metres ahead. Richard rallied and the pair raced it out along the home
straight before Richard crossed the line two places and two seconds ahead of
Carl in 61st position. There was a similar scenario between our next two
finishers, Peter Haarer and Steve Whitehead. In a duel of the vets Steve
gradually caught Peter, only to be thwarted at the death by a matter of two
seconds. Completing the scoring team of six were the two Davids, Lawley and
Ready, excellent runs both. The team placed a solid 19th out of 69 who
closed in. Second claimers Jon Pepper and Jake Waldron both put in fine
efforts for 13th and 42nd places.
Video of the men's race here:, women's here: and lots of stills from all the
races here:.
FITSTUFF G3 10k MULTI-TERRAIN Saturday 7th January at Newlands Corner
1 R Sherwood (unatt) 43.35
21 F Cripps (Victory) 51.08 (1st woman)
255 Heather Martingell 82.56
256 Mike White 82.56
283 Katie Walton 93.54
January at RAF Halton
Nic Jackson won the women's race by over half a minute in a time of 24.18,
and led her Civil Service team to victory.
NICE WORK BUSHY PARK 10km Sunday 15th January
Rick Jenner placed second in the 10k...
1 M Misak (Serp) 35.58
2 Rick Jenner 39.11
12 F Cripps (Victory) 42.05 (1st woman)
24 Matt Sowton 46.38
NICE WORK BUSHY PARK 5km Sunday 15th January
...while Kirsty Steel was first woman in the 5k.
1 A Danielsson (unatt) 17.41
4 Kirsty Steel 22.35 (1st woman)
BOX HILL FELL RACE Saturday 21st January at Dorking
Race organiser Andy Robinson writes:
"At the front end it was a welcome return to the race after a few years
absence for James McMullan of Thames Hare and Hounds. James was the record
holder on the old (pre-2015) course, and so a new record looked to be on the
cards. However a fall when jumping a fallen tree 2 miles from the end forced
James to slow down and miss the record by 16 seconds. He said 'I just jogged
in after that', which can be translated for the rest of us as 'I just
retained my 3 minute lead'..
No such problem for the first lady. Nichola Jackson of Ranelagh Harriers
stormed round to beat both 2nd place and the previous record by over 5
minutes. It's difficult to compare the new course with the old one, but I
think her time would have put her close behind the great names of Sarah
Rowell, Angela Carson and Yvette Hague who were the fastest then, but all
from the last century."
1 J McMullan (TH&H) 54.24
23 Nic Jackson 62.26 (1st woman)
FITSTUFF G3 10k MULTI-TERRAIN Saturday 21st January at Newlands Corner
Our intrepid trio evidently enjoyed the first race in this series so much
that they came back for more two weeks later - as did the winners.
1 R Sherwood (unatt) 43.24
21 F Cripps (Victory) 50.18 (1st woman)
248 Mike White 79.05
249 Heather Martingell 79.07
283 Katie Walton 91.07
RUNTHROUGH BATTERSEA PARK 10km Saturday 21st January
1 R Sale (unatt) 32.14 (chip time 32.14)
115 Llewellyn Davies 44.39 (44.20)
SURREY SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIPS Saturday 21st January at Reigate
Under 15 Boys
1 H Norman (E&E) 13.40
27 Tom Armstrong (Ranelagh) 15.29
28 Euan Sinclair 15.30
45 Matthew O'Donovan 16.09
61 Joe Murphy 16.54
Under 13 Boys
1 E Scott (E Grinstead) 11.30
46 Finlay Sinclair 13.33
1 T Lambert (Winch) 1:12.01 (chip time 1:12.00)
219 Jo Peace 1:37.07 (1:36.51)
749 Mike Peace 1:54.53 (1:54.37)
DENBIES 10 miles Sunday 22nd January at Dorking
1 T Lunnon (Crawley) 63.13
26 K Lo (Haywards Hth) 76.20 (1st woman)
236 Aoife Kilpatrick 106.05
LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH 5km Friday 27th January in Hyde Park
1 J Connor (Kent) 15.32
20 Louis Randall 17.58
25 Peter Faull 18.12
122 Paul Hodges 21.20
Alastair Ritchie ran 2:04.04 (chip time 2:00.19), while Heather Martingell
recorded 2:29.55 (2:26.02).
SEALSKINZ PILGRIM CHALLENGE Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th February on the
North Downs Way.
Colin Brett took the two-day 66 miles option and finished 98th in a total
time of 15:16.34. He ran day 1's 33 miles in 6:45.01 and another 33 miles on
day 2 in 8:31.33. Richard Gurd ran on the second day only and recorded
FITSTUFF G3 10k/15k MULTI-TERRAIN Saturday 4th February at Newlands Corner
...and Heather and Mike came back yet again, this time to take the 15k
option. Meanwhile junior Reef Boericke won the 10k option by over a minute
in the colours of the Optima Tri club.
1 R Webb (Fitstuff) 1:04.23
18 F Cripps (Victory) 1:16.15 (1st woman)
124 Heather Martingell 1:57.43
125 Mike White 1:57.43
1 Reef Boericke 47.20
CHICHESTER PRIORY 10km Sunday 5th February
1 F McNally (B Phoenix) 30.46 (chip time 30.46)
32 Allan Whatmough 34.35 (34.33)
39 I Coomber (Lewes) 35.14 (35.13 - 1st woman)
213 Suzy Whatmough 42.10 (41.59)
1 J Cornish (Herc W) 1:08.43 (chip time 1:08.40)
130 Dan Little 1:27.21 (1:27.15)
332 Bruce McLaren 1:36.15 (1:36.02)
451 Phil Roberts 1:39.30 (1:39.07)
504 Lee Davies 1:41.33 (1:40.50)
parkrun results...
For those of you who are not currently shown as Ranelagh in the parkrun
database, it would be very helpful if you could update your details. You can
also access Ranelagh results here:.
parkruns 5km Saturday 21st January
Bushy Park
James WHISTLER 20:05, Rachel REVETT 22:35, Gavin HILLHOUSE 25:52, Amy
SILLITOE 25:56, Jackie DUNKLEY 29:02, Wally GARROD 38:20
Richmond Park
Peter FAULL 19:39, James RITCHIE 19:55, Daniel RUSHBY (jnr) 22:14, Amrut
SHARMA 22:38, Jarryd HILLHOUSE 22:47, Elisa FERRUA 22:57, Jeremy DAY 23:04,
Cecily DAY (jnr) 23:06, Carol AIKIN 23:59, Tomas STERNER 23:59, Robert
HILLHOUSE 24:02, John HOBSON25:49, Simon TAYLOR 25:59, Phil RUSHBY 26:09,
Sam RUSHBY (jnr) 26:13, Ally PICKARD 26:27, Andrew BROWN 26:34, Ben RUSHBY
(jnr) 29:00, Maia RUSHBY 29:02, Julian HOLDEN 29:35, Deepa SHARMA 29:52,
Bronwen NORTHMORE 32:09, Annemarie GOODRIDGE 34:36
Phil JACKSON 25:50
Old Deer Park
Eirin McDaid and Ted Mockett were first and second across the line.
Eirin MC DAID 16:59, Ted MOCKETT 17:52, Trevor MAGUIRE 19:50, Colin BRETT
20:04, Kevin KNOWLES 22:00, Fiona FORBES 24:17, Michael OSBORNE 24:39,
Colette DORAN 27:22, Lorna SMITH 29:16, Paula MAGUIRE 29:42, Catherine
HOLMAN 29:43, Deborah BLAKEMORE 34:04
Peter SIMMONS 24:08
Matt SOWTON 21:31, Wiebke KORTUM 22:56, Chris CAMACHO 23:09, Fiona PUGH
26:46, Verka LAFEUILLE 27:03, Alison DICKS 27:03, Aoife KILPATRICK 27:19,
Martin CLARK 36:38
Mary HICKSON 34:14
Highbury Fields
Carl Assmundson was first home.
Peter WEIR 21:03, Karen WEIR 23:51
Dawn BATES 28:58
Royal Tunbridge Wells
Wornwood Scrubs
Nick Impey was first finisher.
Nick IMPEY 17:38
Crane Park
Duncan MALLISON 18:36, Richard GURD 20:26, Kevin KEAREY 20:55, Rebecca
NORTHMORE 21:18, Kate BROOK 24:11, Josie KEAREY (jnr) 25:10, Ann KEAREY
25:12, Louise WAPSHOTT 32:30, Tracey SMALL 32:52, Hilary THOMSON 33:04,
Danni CROUCHER 36:43, Cindy CROUCHER 36:43
Hilly Fields
Laura BLAZEY 23:32
Preston Park, Brighton
John PRATT 27:39
Jake Waldron was first overall and Julia Bailey was second woman.
Jake WALDRON 15:58, Julia BAILEY 20:13
Christine DAVID 30:30
Fulham Palace
Nick WRIGHT 17:26
Peter FORDHAM 28:04
Bognor Regis
Sharon ROWE 34:07
Paul HODGES 21:36
parkruns 5km Saturday 28th January
Bushy Park
Marc SNAITH 18:42, Llewellyn DAVIES 21:19, Ian GRANGE 25:04, Amy SILLITOE
27:07, Toby COOPER 28:04, Wally GARROD 38:38
Richmond Park
Tom BRADLEY (jnr) 18:40, Rick JENNER 18:43, James RITCHIE 20:14, Alberto
ESGUEVILLAS 21:35, Jess HARBERT (jnr) 21:47, Steve AIKIN 22:25, Daniel
RUSHBY (jnr) 22:45, Elisa FERRUA 22:54, Kevin KNOWLES 23:24, Jeremy DAY
23:21, Cecily DAY (jnr) 23:25, Ellie LUXMOORE (jnr) 23:40, Tomas STERNER
23:57, Amrut SHARMA 24:10, Matt SOWTON 24:20, John HOBSON 25:03, Hadi
KHATAMIZADEH 25:20, James RUSHBY (jnr) 26:27, Karen HARBERT 26:42, Clare DAY
26:52, Sam RUSHBY (jnr) 27:07, Phil RUSHBY 27:08, Sue CAMP 28:39, Andrew
BROWN 28:39, Ben RUSHBY (jnr) 29:26, Maia RUSHBY 29:27, Rob KITCHEN 29:30,
Deepa SHARMA 30:00, Ewa SOLTYS 30:38, Gavin HILLHOUSE 30:39, Bronwen
NORTHMORE 32:42, Wendy FISHER 35:08, Martin CLARK 42:23, Beverley ALI 44:56,
Pat HEWLETT 45:01, Robert HILLHOUSE 45:02
Bedfont Lakes
Ian Kenton was second home.
Ian KENTON 18:19
Hadleigh, Essex
Peter FORHAM 30:49
Old Deer Park
Eirin McDaid was first finisher.
Eirin MC DAID 16:45, Colin BRETT 19:58, Michael OSBORNE 24:31, Fiona FORBES
24:34, Melanie DAVISON 27:21, Paula MAGUIRE 28:30, Julian HOLDEN 29:34
Wiebke KORTUM 22:13, Chris CAMACHO 23:51, James MCLAUCHLAN (jnr) 24:57,
Chris CATO 25:39, Nathaniel BOND (jnr) 26:37, Fiona PUGH 27:21, Tom REAY
Cannock Chase
Peter WEIR 20:56, Karen WEIR 23:21
Mary HICKSON 32:44
Henry MAGUIRE 48:21
Duncan Mallison finished third.
Duncan MALLISON 18:51
Crane Park
Danny LITTLE 19:29, Richard GURD 20:07, Kevin KEAREY 21:25, Daniel CHIECHI
21:51, Ann KEAREY 24:01, Josie KEAREY (jnr) 26:43, Danni CROUCHER 30:16,
Christine DAVID 30:38, Victoria ORME 31:39, Tracey SMALL 32:52, Hilary
THOMSON 33:04, Cindy CROUCHER 34:32
Mike WHITE 28:10
Preston Park, Brighton
John PRATT 28:17
Osterley Park
Phil JACKSON 24:47, Colette DORAN 30:19
Knysna, Poland
Wyn WILLIAMS 27:32
Swansea Bay
Nick FORDHAM 23:30
Tooting Common
Simon OGLE 20:17
Julian SAMPSON 24:48
parkruns 5km Saturday 4th February
Bushy Park
Nick WRIGHT 17:33, James WHISTLER 20:42, Toby COOPER 20:43, Rachel REVETT
23:24, Amy SILLITOE 26:00, Joanne SINTON-HEWITT 28:05, Jackie DUNKLEY 29:31,
Rob KITCHEN 29:39, Janet TURNES 34:58, Wally GARROD 38:36, John HANSCOMB
46:38, Colette DORAN 63:43, Ashleigh FERRIS 63:43
Richmond Park
Richard Gregory was the first finisher.
Richard GREGORY 16:11, Jordan MUNGOVAN 17:30, Tom BRADLEY (jnr) 18:28, Bill
NEELY 19:50, James RITCHIE 20:27, Alberto ESGUEVILLAS 21:02, John HOBSON
21:42, Wiebke KORTUM 23:01, Emily COULSON 23:19, Amrut SHARMA 23:28, Cecily
DAY (jnr) 23:47, Jess HARBERT (jnr) 23:49, Jeremy DAY 23:50, Ellie LUXMOORE
(jnr) 24:11, Maia RUSHBY 24:55, Sam RUSHBY (jnr) 24:56, Andrew BROWN 25:01,
James RUSHBY (jnr) 25:16, Hadi KHATAMIZADEH 26:16, Gavin HILLHOUSE 27:33,
Robert HILLHOUSE 27:36, Ben RUSHBY (jnr) 29:00, Phil RUSHBY 29:00, Deepa
SHARMA 29:29, Bronwen NORTHMORE 32:42, Ally PICKARD 33:36, Wendy FISHER
33:44, Annemarie GOODRIDGE 34:46, Beverley ALI 52:00
Brighton & Hove
Wyn WILLIAMS 28:47
Ashton Court
Alex FORDHAM 19:51
Old Deer Park
Eirin McDaid and Clare Fowler were first male and female, while Jon Smith
was third man in.
Eirin MC DAID 16:57, Jonathan SMITH 19:11, Trevor MAGUIRE 19:29, Clare
FOWLER 21:38, Fiona FORBES 24:31, Christine DAVID 31:04
Chris CAMACHO 23:29, James MCLAUCHLAN (jnr) 24:27, Fiona PUGH 27:05, Tom
REAY 27:47, Alison DICKS 30:02
Tomas STERNER 28:31
Sheffield Hallam
Estelle Damant was the second woman to finish.
Estelle DAMANT 18:55
Crystal Palace
Becky CURTIS-HALL 21:21, Julia BAILEY 21:47
Henry MAGUIRE 45:49
Deirdre INMAN 38:56
David LAWLEY 17:37, Ellie LAWLEY 30:10
Wormwood Scrubs
Nick Impey was first across the line.
Nick IMPEY 19:03
Peter FORDHAM 25:51
Crane Park
Kabir SAIT (jnr) 20:25, Rebecca NORTHMORE 21:38, Rue TURNER 22:34, Daniel
CHIECHI 22:58, Richard GURD 23:53, Carol AIKIN 25:04, Claire WARNER 25:12,
Victoria ORME 30:34, Afrah SAIT (jnr) 32:32, Hilary THOMSON 32:57, Cindy
CROUCHER 33:13, Louise WAPSHOTT 36:10
Preston Park, Brighton
John PRATT 27:15
Osterley Park
Michael OSBORNE 24:16, Josie KEAREY (jnr) 24:56, Kevin Kearey 25:00
Fulham Palace
Gordon WHITSON 21:26
Bognor Regis
Sharon ROWE 33:50
Allan Whatmough was third finisher.
Allan WHATMOUGH 21:07
Julian SAMPSON 21:52
Dawn BATES 31:59
Duncan MALLISON 19:27
Tooting Common
Megan de Silva was the leading woman.
Megan de SILVA 18:52
Paul HODGES 21:30
Junior parkruns 2km Sunday 5th February
Bushy Park
Euan SINLAIR 7:42, Finlay SINCLAIR 8:21, Eilidh SINCLAIR 10:27,
Savill Gardens
James RICKETTS 14:49, Connor SCALLY 17:04, Aaron SCALLY 26:42
Kabir SAIT 7:36, Afrah SAIT 12:35
Nathaniel BOND 9.51
From Athletics International:
One record that may never be beaten is that by Ron Hill, who trained every
day (and twice a day for many years) from 20 December 1964 to his decision
to have a break due to chest pains and a possible heart problem at the end
of January 2017. His meticulous training diaries give every detail of 52
years and 39 days of running and he passed 151,000 miles by his 70th
birthday in 2008, when he completed his ambition of racing in 100 countries
and ended the record with over 160,000 miles. The European champion of 1969
and Commonwealth champion of 1970 (in his best time of 2:09:28) finished 115
marathons, all but the last (the 100th Boston marathon of 1996) under 2:52.