21st December 2013               Wimbledon Common
 Pos  M/W                                        
  1    1   Paskar Owor              Belg    42:02
  2    2   John Gilbert             Kent    42:28
  3    3   Henry Pearce             Tonb    43:07
  4    4   Sam Coombes              Dartf   43:29
  5    5   Ben Cole                 Tonb    43:52
  6    6   Martin Mashford          AFD     44:18
  7    7   Ben Louch                Dartf   44:22
  8    8   Neil Phillips            AFD     44:33
  9    9   Tom Cox                  Tonb    44:35
 10   10   Chris Busaileh           HHH     44:55
 11   11   Alex Bellew              HW      45:02
 12   12   Russell Bentley          Kent    45:04
 13   13   Gilbert Grundy           Wok     45:10
 14   14   Julian Rendall           Tonb    45:17
 15   15   Jamie Ashton             AFD     45:17
 16   16   Chris Greenwood M40      Kent    45:19
 17   17   Danny Kendell            CambH   45:21
 18   18   Alan Barnes              HHH     45:24
 19   19   Henry Mitchell           Brack   45:27
 20   20   Dan Bradley              Tonb    45:39
 21   21   Gareth Anderson          Kent    45:45
 22   22   Mike Cummings            HHH     45:54
 23   23   Jeff Cunningham          HHH     46:07
 24   24   Owen Hind                Kent    46:10
 25   25   Matthew Sharp            HW      46:14
 26   26   Tim Elsey                HHH     46:30
 27   27   Ryan Evans               SLH     46:36
 28   28   Will Cockerell M40       Belg    46:37
 29   29   John Kettle              HHH     46:38
 30   30   Joe Clark                HW      46:49
 31   31   Jack Wilson              Kent    46:56
 32   32   Dominic Kiralyfi         HW      46:58
 33   33   Andrew Pickett           Dartf   47:01
 34   34   William Davies           AFD     47:06
 35   35   Roy Maddams              Belg    47:10
 36   36   Calum Fraser             Kent    47:17
 37   37   Paul Lowe                Strag   47:25
 38   38   Brian Thursby-Pelham M40 THH     47:31
 39   39   Ollie Garrod             E&E     47:31
 40   40   Stuart Beaney M40        Kent    47:59
 41   41   Liam White               HW      48:03
 42   42   Robert Tuer              HW      48:08
 43   43   Nic Gould                THH     48:21
 44   44   Ernie Hann               SoC     48:37
 45   45   James Gordon             CambH   48:38
 46   46   Harry Paton              Tonb    48:43
 47   47   Andy Moreton             Kent    48:47
 48   48   Phil Killingley          Rane    48:52
 49   49   Simeon Bates             E&E     48:56
 50   50   Mohammed Ismail          HHH     49:07
 51   51   Basil Wallace M40        HHH     49:08
 52   52   Daniel Pyne              Dartf   49:09
 53   53   Joseph McKevitt          CambH   49:09
 54   54   Robert Knight            Coll    49:12
 55   55   James Taylor             Tonb    49:16
 56   56   Stuart Flack             E&E     49:16
 57   57   Craig Sharp              Dartf   49:36
 58   58   Michael Rolfe M40        DMV     49:48
 59   59   Joe Toomey               HW      49:50
 60   60   Chris Biddle             Dartf   50:00
 61   61   Cameron Knapp            Tonb    50:07
 62   62   Liam Hatcher             SLH     50:10
 63   63   Phil Glynn               HW      50:11
 64   64   Richard Bidgood          Kent    50:11
 65   65   Richard Batchelor        AFD     50:13
 66   66   Lascelles Hussey         HHH     50:15
 67   W1   Deirdre McDermott        Tonb    50:15
 68   67   Knut Hegvold M50         Belg    50:23
 69   ns   Richard Mathie ns        Kent    50:24
 70   68   Sean Fitzpatrick         HHH     50:25
 71   69   Robert Wakefield         AFD     50:31
 72   70   Nicholas Bland           HW      50:35
 73   71   Ron Taylor               Kent    50:44
 74   72   Alex Urban               HW      50:56
 75   73   Rick Jenner              Rane    51:04
 76   74   George Longworth         HW      51:09
 77   75   David Grima              HW      51:17
 78   76   Morris Tarragano         B&H     51:18
 79   77   Wayne Lashley            Dul R   51:19
 80   78   Stephen Bass             Rei P   51:20
 81   79   Christian Poulton M40    CambH   51:23
 82   80   Paul Devine              Dul R   51:27
 83   81   Robin Sanderson          HHH     51:32
 84   82   Mark Gray M40            Strag   51:33
 85   83   Alex Hobley              HHH     51:40
 86   84   Jonathan Brine           Walt    51:41
 87   85   Sean Crummy              HW      51:44
 88   86   Malcolm Young            Belg    51:52
 89   87   Louis Waterman-Evans     HHH     51:53
 90   ns   Steve Throssell          L'fld   52:03
 91   88   Robert Norville          Belg    52:09
 92   89   Des Adkinson M40         Dartf   52:10
 93   90   Fraser Logan             Belg    52:16
 94   W2   Samantha Amend           Belg    52:23
 95   91   David Scrimshaw          HW      52:35
 96   92   Jonathan Davies M40      Strag   52:35
 97   93   Roy Reeder M40           Strag   52:37
 98   94   John Clark               THH     52:41
 99   95   Steve Smythe M50         Dul R   52:43
100   W3   Claire Day               THH     52:45
101   W4   Nicola Wilkinson         Tonb    52:47
102   W5   Claire Grima             HW      52:55
103   96   Mark Herbert             Rane    53:05
104   97   Andrew Bailey            SLH     53:07
105   98   Taylor Huggins M40       SoC     53:14
106  Wns   Fiona Clark ns           Rei P   53:25
107   99   Duncan Mallison          Rane    53:29
108   W6   Mel Wilkinson            Belg    53:30
109   W7   Zoe Doyle                Belg    53:33
110  100   Tom Conlon M50           HHH     53:45
111  101   Stuart Searle M40        SLH     53:50
112  102   Chris Hangartner         Kent    53:54
113  103   Alex Luce M40            Belg    53:55
114  104   Patrick Bareham          TWH     53:59
115  105   Crispin Allen M40        Strag   54:06
116  106   Peter Faull              Rane    54:08
117  107   Lee Adams                Kent    54:11
118  108   Ebe Prill M50            Dul R   54:14
119  109   Matt Jiggins             E&E     54:17
120  110   Paul Mitchell M40        SLH     54:21
121  111   Vaughan Ramsay M40       Rane    54:38
122  112   Antony Constantinou M40  Coll    54:42
123  W8    Mel Edwards              Dul R   54:46
124  113   Mark Constantinou M40    Coll    54:52
125  Wns   Sophie Cowper ns         SLH     55:07
126  114   Kevin Barber             HHH     55:10
127  W9    Amy Clements             Kent    55:14
128  115   Martin Dunlop            THH     55:16
129  W10   Medena Knespl            HW      55:19
130  116   Alastair Locke           Dul R   55:26
131  117   Simon Alerdice M40       DMV     55:27
132  W11   Natalie Gentry           SLH     55:28
133  118   Andrew Davies M40        HW      55:30
134  W12   Charlie Woods            Dul R   55:37
135  119   Alex Smith               HHH     55:39
136  W13   Rachel Newstead          SLH     55:41
137  120   Neil Aikman M40          Croy    55:47
138  121   Dave Rayner M50          Rei P   55:49
139  122   Barry White              SoC     55:50
140  W14   Liz Stavreski            THH     55:53
141  123   Steve Bush M50           DMV     56:19
142  124   Stewart Bond M40         HW      56:24
143  W15   Keri Mackenzie           Belg    56:29
144  125   Christian Glencross      E&E     56:33
145  126   Steve Clancey M40        SLH     56:47
146  127   Clem Dixon M50           CambH   56:53
147  128   Ross Gentry              SLH     56:54
148  129   Colin Oxlade M50         Croy    56:59
149  130   Nigel Stevens M50        DMV     57:02
150  131   Eric Dol                 HHH     57:03
151  132   Martin Lloyd M50         Coll    57:08
152  W16   Georgina Bland           DMV     57:13
153  133   David Rees               THH     57:25
154  134   Antonio Martins M50      Rei P   57:29
155  135   Mark Cawood M40          SLH     57:29
156  136   Stewart Anderson M40     Rane    57:35
157  137   Joe Watts                Tonb    57:37
158  138   Andrew Hislop M40        AFD     57:41
159  139   Ray Kingdom M50          Strag   57:45
160  W17   Ola Balme W40            Dul R   57:46
161  W18   Ruth Hutton W40          SLH     57:54
162  140   Chris Goodman            Dul R   58:03
163  W19   Diana Norman             E&E     58:04
164  141   Rob Hinton M40           26.2    58:04
165  142   Ben Hallifax             HHH     58:14
166  143   Walter Hill M60          Craw    58:17
167  W20   Mary James               Coll    58:24
168  144   Chris Morton M40         SoC     58:25
169  145   Simon Pannell M50        SoC     58:35
170  146   Andy Davis M40           SLH     58:38
171  W21   Alice Wood               Tonb    58:48
172  147   Mike Mann M60            Dul R   58:52
173  148   Frank Wood M40           HW      58:58
174  149   Keith Dunning M40        Coll    59:01
175  150   John Foss M50            SLH     59:20
176  151   Andy del Nevo M40        Croy    59:26
177  W22   Zoe Smith                Belg    59:34
178  152   Glen Barden              Croy    59:42
179  W23   Rebecca Black W40        DMV     59:45
180  W24   Zoe Pike                 HW      59:54
181  153   Andrew Patrick M50       Rei P   59:55
182  154   Robert Rye M40           Croy    59:57
183  W25   Katy Moore               B&H     59:59
184  155   Matt Saunders M50        SLH     60:09
185  W26   Chris Costiff W50        SLH     60:15
186  W27   Lisa Thomas W40          HW      60:16
187  156   Richard Goulder M40      26.2    60:20
188  157   Kevin Price M40          Strag   60:22
189  W28   Hester Barsham-Rolfe     Belg    60:29
190  158   Damien Wilson            HHH     60:47
191  159   Charles Hampden-Smith M5 HW      60:57
192  160   Matt Kiernan             Croy    60:58
193  W29   Annette Gould            THH     61:02
194  W30   Helen Maguire            E&E     61:02
195  161   Al Morton M40            SLH     61:14
196  162   Stephen Barnfield M60    TWH     61:25
197  163   Steve Sandham M60        Strag   61:26
198  W31   Abbie Friday             Belg    61:32
199  164   Tim Ridley M50           HHH     61:34
200  165   Simon Holford M40        TWH     61:37
201  W32   Chloe Bird               Tonb    61:37
202  167   Cameron Timmis M40       Dul R   61:41
203  168   Michael Russell M40      TWH     61:46
204  169   Paul Harris M40          Craw    61:52
205  170   Bruce McLaren M40        Rane    61:52
206  171   Malcolm Fletcher M50     Strag   61:58
207  172   Gareth George            E&E     62:02
208  W33   Louise Ionascu W40       DMV     62:05
209  W34   Anna Thomas              Dul R   62:08
210  173   Mark Livingstone M40     HW      62:15
211  W35   Vikki Filsell W40        THH     62:28
212  W36   Laura Fidler             THH     62:38
213  W37   Wiebke Kortum W40        Rane    62:45
214  W38   Annieta Rebindaine       Rei P   62:50
215  W39   Sue Cooper               Dul R   62:51
216  W40   Pam Iannella W50         SLH     62:51
217  174   Neil Hamilton M40        Rei P   63:14
218  W41   Saffron Salih            Tonb    63:17
219  W42   Samantha Whiting         HHH     63:29
220  W43   Caroline Court           DMV     63:34
221  175   Nigel Wood M50           Coll    63:40
222  W44   Ellie Dorman             THH     63:49
223  176   Martin Morley M60        Dul R   63;55
224  W45   Steph Mitchell           HHH     63:56
225  W46   Michelle Lennon W40      Dul R   64:01
226  177   Tom Morris M50           HW      64:06
227  W47   Jenny Cooney             Coll    64:09
228  178   Clayton Payne            E&E     64:17
229  W48   Anna Garnier W50         THH     64:31
230  W49   Jillian Holford          TWH     64:35
231  179   Peter Dry M50            Strag   64:49
232  180   Duncan Ralph M40         Tonb    65:19
233  181   Tim Cooke M50            SLH     65:25
234  182   Ian marshall M60         CambH   65:41
235  W50   Carys Mills W40          Strag   65:57
236  183   Joby Thomas M50          Strag   65:59
237  W51   Judith Carder W50        B&H     66:12
238  184   Keith Brown M50          Croy    66:17
239  W52   Clare Wyngard W50        Dul R   66:22
240  W53   Vanda Caulfield W40      E&E     67:25
241  W54   Annette Morris           Rei P   67:26
242  185   Norman Hemming M50       Croy    67:37
243  W55   Katie Crowe              Dul R   67:38
244  W56   Rachel Fagg W40          Tonb    67:48
245  W57   Julie Howarth            Strag   67:53
246  W58   Laura Total              HHH     68:09
247  W59   Maria Balbi              SLH     68:20
248  186   Alastair Carr M50        SLH     68:48
249  W60   Gina Coulson W50         E&E     69:14
250  W61   Fenella Willis W40       HW      69:30
251  187   Hideo Takano M40         DMV     69:53
252  W62   Victoria Reed            HHH     70:20
253  188   Phil Aiken M40           Rane    70:30
254  W63   Enca Nadas W40           SLH     71:14
255  W64   Agnes Molendowska        DMV     71:45
256  189   John Greaves             Strag   72:03
257  W65   Sarah Allen W50          HHH     72:50
258  W66   Mandy Brown W50          26.2    75:16
259  W67   Lynda Chase W50          Strag   78:50
260  W68   Tanya Hersey W40         SLH     86:54
           MENS TEAMS:  ( 6 to Score )           
          1  Tonbridge AC             97          
          2  Kent AC                 106          
          3  Herne Hill H            128          
          4  Hercules Wimbledon      181          
          5  Aldershot F&D           197          
          6  Dartford H              213          
          7  Belgrave H              305          
          8  Kent AC 'B'             360          
          9  Herne Hill 'B'          399          
         10  Hercules Wimbledon 'B'  413          
         11  Cambridge H             503          
         12  Ranelagh H              533          
         13  South London 'H'        541          
         14  The Stragglers          548          
         15  Epsom & Ewell H         550          
         16  Dulwich Runners         616          
         17  Herne Hill 'C'          693          
         18  Herc Wim 'C'            725          
         19  Collingwood AC          735          
         20  Croydon H               866          
         21  South London 'B'        928          
         22  The Stragglers 'B'     1042          
   MENS TEAMS:  ( 12 to Score ) - Coleman Cup     
          1  Kent AC                 466          
          2  Herne Hill H            527          
          3  Hercules Wimbledon      594          
          4  South London H         1469          
          5  The Stragglers         1590          
          WOMENS TEAMS:  ( 6 to Score )           
          1  Belgrave H              80           
          2  Tonbridge AC           155           
          3  Dulwich Runners        156           
          4  Thames Hare and Hounds 161           
          5  South London H         167           
          Results courtesy Don Turner             