The 104th Annual Mob Match v South London Harriers
for the Stubbs Cup
First run in November 1909

The story so far:-   Ranelagh   30 wins
    South London   73 wins
Scoring of Teams:-    If for example Ranelagh field 50 runners, and South London 48 runners then we score 45 a side.
ie,    3 less than the smallest team fielded.   The winner scores 1 point, the second 2 points and so on down to
last place.      The Club scoring the least points is declared the winner.                                     
Everyone helps to score   -   Each SLH runner you pass,  makes  Ranelagh 2 points better off.
Incorporated in this event will be the Ranelagh Club Championship for the Wynne Cup.
     Please turn out for the Club on Saturday in the park.          Course Map      HOME